Recently I wanted to learn more about Go’s slog package. Also for some other project I needed to create an access logger. I could not find a solution so I decided to create my own. I was inspired by two solutions:
Working code example can be found on GitHub
In my logger I wanted to have all standard data:
- request duration,
- status code,
- bytes written,
- method,
- url,
- user agent,
- remote addr
plus some extra
- correlation id - it is useful to group log entries from the same request,
- custom header field - useful for custom extensions. Here in this example I am adding
which contains user IP in case of the server being behind the proxy.
Creating middleware
takes a closure which is responsible for logging the request.
alog := AccessLogMiddleware(func(r *http.Request, status, size int, duration time.Duration) {
"access log",
slog.String("method", r.Method),
slog.String("url", r.URL.RequestURI()),
slog.String("user_agent", r.UserAgent()),
slog.String("remote_addr", r.RemoteAddr),
slog.String("remote_host", getHost(r.RemoteAddr)),
slog.String("referer", r.Referer()),
slog.String("proto", r.Proto),
slog.Duration("took", duration),
slog.Int("status_code", status),
slog.Int("bytes", size),
When creating the logger, I needed to add custom ContextHandler
which is responsible for logging slog.Attr
added to request’s context.
handler := &ContextHandler{slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, nil)}
logger := slog.New(handler)
Here is full example of main function.
func main() {
handler := &ContextHandler{slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, nil)}
logger := slog.New(handler)
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/ping", pingHandler)
addr := ":8888"
slog.Info("starting listening", slog.String("addr", addr))
alog := AccessLogMiddleware(func(r *http.Request, status, size int, duration time.Duration) {
"access log",
slog.String("method", r.Method),
slog.String("url", r.URL.RequestURI()),
slog.String("user_agent", r.UserAgent()),
slog.String("remote_addr", r.RemoteAddr),
slog.String("remote_host", getHost(r.RemoteAddr)),
slog.String("referer", r.Referer()),
slog.String("proto", r.Proto),
slog.Duration("took", duration),
slog.Int("status_code", status),
slog.Int("bytes", size),
forwarded := CustomHeaderHandler("x-forwarded-for", "X-Forwarded-For")
err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, forwarded(alog(mux)))
if err != nil {
func pingHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
slog.InfoContext(r.Context(), "test")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "pong")
// AccessLogMiddleware creates http.Handler which logs http requests.
// It measures duration of request. It records response code and response size.
// It also adds correlation ID to the log entry.
func AccessLogMiddleware(f func(r *http.Request, status, size int, duration time.Duration)) func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return func(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// start is needed to measure the request duration
start := time.Now()
// this writer is needed to record status code and bytes written
lrw := newLoggingResponseWriter(w)
correlationID := xid.New().String()
// we are creating a copy of request's context
ctx := AppendCtx(r.Context(), slog.String("correlation_id", correlationID))
// replacing request with updated context
r = r.WithContext(ctx)
w.Header().Add("X-Correlation-ID", correlationID)
// executing f closure in defer so the request will be logged even if the code panics
defer func() {
f(r, lrw.statusCode, lrw.bytes, time.Since(start))
next.ServeHTTP(lrw, r)
type ctxKey string
const slogFields ctxKey = "slog_fields"
// ContextHandler is used to log slog.Attrs added to context.Context
type ContextHandler struct {
func (h ContextHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, r slog.Record) error {
if attrs, ok := ctx.Value(slogFields).([]slog.Attr); ok {
for _, v := range attrs {
return h.Handler.Handle(ctx, r)
// AppendCtx returns a copy of context.Context with value named slogFields containing []slog.Attr needed for ContextHandler
func AppendCtx(parent context.Context, attr slog.Attr) context.Context {
if parent == nil {
parent = context.Background()
if v, ok := parent.Value(slogFields).([]slog.Attr); ok {
v = append(v, attr)
return context.WithValue(parent, slogFields, v)
v := []slog.Attr{}
v = append(v, attr)
return context.WithValue(parent, slogFields, v)
Sending the request
$ curl -v -H "X-Forwarded-For:"\?1
* Trying
* Connected to ( port 8888
> GET /ping?1 HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/8.4.0
> Accept: */*
> X-Forwarded-For:
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< X-Correlation-Id: coa54o197i620lq8tchg
< Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2024 20:24:00 GMT
< Content-Length: 4
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
* Connection #0 to host left intact
Running the server
We can see here that the text
log in pingHandler
have the same correlation ID as access log.
Text log
time=2024-04-08T22:23:44.886+02:00 level=INFO msg="starting listening" addr=:8888
time=2024-04-08T22:24:00.325+02:00 level=INFO msg=test x-forwarded-for= correlation_id=coa54o197i620lq8tchg
time=2024-04-08T22:24:00.325+02:00 level=INFO msg="access log" method=GET url=/ping?1 user_agent=curl/8.4.0 remote_addr= remote_host= referer="" proto=HTTP/1.1 took=149.708µs status_code=200 bytes=4 x-forwarded-for= correlation_id=coa54o197i620lq8tchg
JSON log
{"time":"2024-04-08T22:25:18.09855+02:00","level":"INFO","msg":"starting listening","addr":":8888"}
{"time":"2024-04-08T22:25:21.01635+02:00","level":"INFO","msg":"access log","method":"GET","url":"/ping?1","user_agent":"curl/8.4.0","remote_addr":"","remote_host":"","referer":"","proto":"HTTP/1.1","took":95291,"status_code":200,"bytes":4,"x-forwarded-for":"","correlation_id":"coa55c997i6232p4q1tg"}