Secrets Detection and Prevention in Repository

Secrets Detection and Prevention in Repository

I decided to make the blog repository public to allow writing comments. To do it, I scanned my repo using two programs.


detect-secrets detects secrets within a code base however, unlike other similar packages that solely focus on finding secrets, this package is designed with the enterprise client in mind: providing a backwards compatible, systematic means of:

  1. Preventing new secrets from entering the code base,
  2. Detecting if such preventions are explicitly bypassed, and
  3. Providing a checklist of secrets to roll, and migrate off to a more secure storage.

to install

brew install detect-secrets

to use

# create base line
detect-secrets scan > .secrets.baseline
# review secrets
detect-secrets audit .secrets.baseline


Secret:      5 of 5
Filename:    content/blog/zerolog-trace-id-access-log/
Secret Type: Hex High Entropy String
123:                "TraceState": "",
124:                "Remote": false
125:        },
126:        "Parent": {
127:                "TraceID": "5fdc14f10cb4c2d1f253f853c16162e7",
128:                "SpanID": "47e1ebf518ef9e7d",
129:                "TraceFlags": "01",
130:                "TraceState": "",
131:                "Remote": false
132:        },
133:        "SpanKind": 1,


gitleaks is another tool for the same job. Gitleaks is a Static application security testing tool for detecting and preventing hardcoded secrets like passwords, API keys, and tokens in git repos. Gitleaks is an easy-to-use, all-in-one solution for detecting secrets, past or present, in your code.

brew install gitleaks
gitleaks git -v

    │ ○
    ○ ░
    ░    gitleaks

11:54AM INF 47 commits scanned.
11:54AM INF scan completed in 166ms
11:54AM INF no leaks found

Adding to pre-commit

Using pre-commit is a great way to speed up finding errors before doing the commit.

# .pre-commit-config.yaml
-   repo:
    rev: v1.5.0
    -   id: detect-secrets
        args: ['--baseline', '.secrets.baseline']
        exclude: package.lock.json
  - repo:
    rev: v8.19.0
      - id: gitleaks